Are you excited to know about verbena care, if yes then you are on the right page, in this article Agriculture Review will guide you on verbena care and how to grow guide on Verbena or Vervain.

Before knowing care guide for verbena plant. Let us learn few points in the honour of this beautiful winter flowering plant for tropical areas.


Verbena is not only a name of flowering plants, but it is a name for a genus. This genus has more than 250 species of flowering plants. Moreover, among these 250 species, there are annuals as well as perennials too.

They are commonly found in Asia, America and Europe. Flowers have five petals, are small in size, but are densely scattered on the plant. However, these alluring flowers attract pollinators. You can find flower shades from blue, white, pink, to red, and purple.

Verbena is draught tolerant plant, and can grow under full to partial sunlight. Verbena has medicinal benefits too. In early days, people used it in traditional medicine. Moreover, essence of the flower can help in mental, spiritual, and emotional wellbeing.

How to Grow Verbena?

Verbena is a herbaceous plant and is quite easy to grow. But you need to know about few important points to grow them successfully. You can propagate verbena from seeds.

You must know about growing season, potting mix, selection of pot, and propagation to grow a plant perfectly. But don’t worry, for these information you do not have to go anywhere. I am going to guide you step by step on growing verbena.

Growing Season

Verbena can grow in plant hardiness zones 8, 9, 10, and, 11. If you are in tropical area, then you can start sowing seeds from October to early December. But, in hills or temperate region you can start sowing in the spring season.

Temperature range of 16 to 30 degrees celsius is ideal for sowing and germination. Too much heat and too much cold can kill verbena plant.

Potting Mix

Potting mix is a necessary step that you need to follow. But if you are living in areas where verbena grows naturally then this step is not very important for you.

Verbena loves well drained, average soil. For germination, you can prepare potting mix with:

40% river sand + 25% garden soil + 25% organic compost + 10% cocopeat.

For growing verbena, after transplantation, prepare potting mix with:

50% normal garden soil + 30% organic compost + 20% river sand.

Selection of Pot

For growing verbena you can select small to medium sized pot. However, make sure that selected pot has three to four drainage holes. Drainage holes helps to remove excess water from the pot. Waterlogging in the pot can become home for pest and diseases.

You can also grow verbena in hanging pots or growing bags. Hanging pots will add beauty to the home decorations. You can see wonderful hanging pot ideas by visiting the link below.



You can propagate verbena in the suitable growing season from seeds. Purchase high quality seeds for germinating it in your garden. Moreover, you can directly transplant after purchasing seedlings from the nearest plant nursery.

Follow these steps to germinate verbena seeds:

Fill the germination tray with germination potting mix. Leave space at the top for watering purposes. Make sure that germination tray has drainage holes at the bottom. Sow one to three seeds in each case and cover it with a thin layer of potting mix.

Apply water gently after sowing of seeds. You can also add fungicide in the water to save seeds from fungal diseases. Place the germination tray in semi shade after sowing seeds. You can check moisture in the soil every day.

Whenever you notice that top layer of the soil is drying, then apply water gently. This will balance the moisture requirement for germination of the seeds. If your seeds is of good quality then within 6 to 10 days.


If you have purchased plant from nursery or have germinated from seeds, transplantation is a easy but careful job. Once your seedlings reaches 4 to 5 true leaf stage then you can start transplanting.

For transplanting, fill the growing pot with the necessary potting mix. Leave one to two inch space at the top for watering and fertilizer application. Dig a hole in the centre of the pot and transplant your seedlings carefully. In a 6 inch pot one plant will be good.

After transplantation, apply water gently, and keep the pot in semi shade for 5 days. Once your transplanted plant seems healthy, you can move the pot under direct sunlight.

If you want to know more about flowering plants for winters, then check these out:



Verbena Care

Once you have transplanted or germinated, then the next step is caring for your plant. You need to care about sunlight, watering, fertilizers, and pest & diseases. This will help to flourish your plant. You will get heavy bloom if you follow these points.


Verbena loves sunlight to grow and prosper. You can place your plant in the region where it can receive at least 6 to 8 hours of sunlight. However, your plant can also do good under partial shade sunlight. But make sure that it receives bright indirect sunlight.


Verbena can survive under draught condition. That means it does not require heavy watering. Soggy or waterlogged soil can even cause root rot disease in this plant. Therefore, I recommend to water this plant carefully.

Whenever, top layer of soil seems completely dry then you can apply water gently. Take care of proper drainage in the pot. Plant in the smaller pot will require more frequency of watering than the larger pot. However, this also depends on the property of the soil.

That’s why during early mornings or evenings, keep checking soil in the pot. Apply water according to the needs of the plant.


I personally do not recommend using inorganic fertilizer for growing this plant. From one month after transplantation you can start feeding with organic fertilizers. You can use vermicompost or any bulky organic manure.

Add one handful of any organic fertilizer, mix half teaspoon bone meal and apply once after every 20 days. Moreover, you can also add half teaspoon neem cake fertilizer to save your plant from fungal disease.

Nowadays Jeevamrut and waste decomposer are high in demand for organic purpose. You can learn more about them by checking out the links given below.



Pest and Disease

Pest like spider mites, aphids, snails, and thrips can attack your plants. Diseases like powdery mildew, root rot, Cercospora leaf spot, botrytis blight can damage your plant.

Therefore, keep checking for any deformation in plant to save them as early as possible. You can spray neem oil mix after patch test, this will help in controlling pest and diseases.

You can also check out the links given below, if these diseases or pest is troubling your verbena plant.



If you have any queries regarding verbena care or any plant, then you can comment below. I will try to respond as soon as possible.

Verbena Care F.A.Q.

Does verbena need full sun?

Yes, verbena plant grows well under full sun, but it can also perform average under partial shade sunlight. At least 6 to 8 hours of sunlight daily is recommended to grow verbena plant.

How to grow verbena in hanging baskets?

Growing verbena is quite easy in hanging baskets, just make sure that the hanging basket must have at least 3 to 4 drainage holes at the bottom to remove excess water, provide adequate amount of water, fertilizers and sunlight to make your plant grow successfully.

Where can I buy a vervain plant?

If you want to grow vervain plant from seeds then online stores can be a good choice, just make sure to look after ratings by the costumers, 3 to 5 ratings out of 5 is considered good. But, if you want to purchase a plant then I will recommend you to visit the nearest plant nursery. You can find them on google maps.

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