If you have a talent for writing amazing articles in the agriculture & gardening niche and are willing to showcase your masterpiece in front of millions of people visiting our website to spread information on agriculture or gardening, then Agriculture Review is now offering article submissions for authors like you. You can write unique articles with the best-related images on our platform and get featured. If your submitted article meets our requirements, then it will be published within a week.

Submit Your Article

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    Submitted Article

      Follow these steps to submit your article to Agriculture Review.

      Step 1: Fill in your name, official email, and unique post title (make sure that the title is unique, i.e., it has not been used on our website previously).

      Step 2: Write tags after putting a comma and space after every tag, for example: submit article, submit your article, agriculture article submission, gardening article submission,

      Step 3: Fill in the correct response for the antispam question for verification that you are not an AI bot, then select the correct categories for your post.

      Step 4: Write your unique article. Articles with more than 600 words are more likely to be published. However, it also depends on the topic and quality of your content. Make sure that the content is copyright-free and without the use of AI.

      Step 5: Select at least one featured image for your post and you can add up to 4 images maximum in a post, the image width of 640 pixels and height of 360 pixels are highly appreciated.

      Step 6: After filling in all the details click on the Submit Post button, congratulations, you have successfully submitted your article on our website. Once it gets approved you will receive an email notification from Agriculture Review.