Ever since people have become health-conscious, the urge to eat healthy and organic food has increased. There is a shift in our eating choices, i.e. having a kitchen garden has become quite a trend to avoid buying everything from the market. If you are fond of trying plant-based recipes for a well-balanced and nutritious diet, you will be looking to grow the most-used ingredients at home.

Ensuring that vegetables are naturally grown gives you satisfaction, and you can enjoy your healthy meals. Here are five plants that you should start your kitchen garden with:

Essential Kitchen Garden Plants!


If you love fresh salads, you will know how essential tomatoes are for our kitchen. Whether you are making gravy or a pizza topping, chopped and sliced tomatoes are always needed. They are an indispensable part of our omelettes and burgers; imagine how great it will be having so many of them right outside your kitchen window.

Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

The homegrown tomatoes are always more juicy and tasty than the ones we get from the market. The best part is you won’t have to do much; you can grow them in simple pots using the seeds.

ALSO READ: How To Plant Tomatoes


If you love adding spice to your food, pepper is something that has to be in your kitchen garden. The pepper plant is the easiest to maintain, and you can find so many fresh green peppers hanging on one single plant, which means having 2 to 3 plants will be more than enough for you.

bell pepper plant, capsicum plant,
Photo by Kris Sevinc on Unsplash

Even if your area has an average temperature of 35-40 degrees Celsius in summers, peppers can grow well in your home. They are easy to grow and don’t require much of attention all the time. You will get a bowl full of pepper from a single plant once they grow.

ALSO READ: How To Grow Bell Pepper


Although the homegrown carrots look funnier than the ones we buy from the market, they are much healthier than them. Carrots are a treat for us all; from making their juice to using them in chow-mien, they are great for enhancing the taste of your cuisines.

carrot plant,
Photo by Markus Spiske

Carrots are highly low-maintenance plants and suitable for grown for beginners. They are loaded with nutrients such as calcium, fibres, Vitamin K and A that will benefit you in many ways. What else could be more exciting than pulling out a carrot at home? It will surely be rewarding.

ALSO READ: How To Grow Carrots


You are right if you feel like your fresh salad is incomplete without a slice of radish! Radish is a fantastic vegetable that can enhance the taste of your food. It is great for adding spice to your meals. Besides, they are rich in vitamin C and fibres, preventing tumours from growing.

Radish loves cool weather, making March the best time of year to grow them. Other than the root and the leafy part is also worth eating, and you just have to sauté them. If you love French food, you will know how essential radish is for your kitchen garden.

ALSO READ: How To Grow Radish


Enhancing the taste of meals is something we all strive for. Trying out different recipes and using various spices to find the perfect taste is fun. If you experiment with foods, you will know how vital oregano is.

oregano plant
Image by ariesa66 from Pixabay

The fantastic aroma and subtle taste make it the most used herb in Italian and American cuisines. Your pizza topping is incomplete without the pinch of oregano spreader evenly all over it. Next time you feel like something is missing in your food, try turning to your oregano pot!

To sum it up! Having a kitchen garden is a healthy practice and a great way to keep yourself busy. Above all, the excitement and reward you get after picking vegetables from your garden are beyond words. You will love doing it all, do give it a try!

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