Pollution is a major challenge to the global world. Greenhouse gas emissions from industries, agriculture, vehicles, etc. pose a direct threat to our environment. Both short- and long-term exposure to air pollution can affect human health. It can result in stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, trachea, bronchus and lung cancers, aggravated asthma, etc.

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is the primary greenhouse gas emitted by human activities. 76% of the total greenhouse gas emissions in the United States are due to Carbon Dioxide gas emissions. Moreover, emissions continue to rise despite many steps taken by various governing bodies in the world. Although nearly all countries contribute to pollution, these are the top polluting countries in the world.

Top 10 Polluting Countries In The World



The second most populated country after India is the top polluting country in the world. It contributes 26.4% to the global pollution. Hotan, China based on annual average PM2.5 concentration (μg/m³)is the second most polluted city after Lahore, Pakistan in the world. According to a report from the World Health Organization, air pollution in China is responsible for about 2 million deaths per year.

United States Of America

The country that advocates for reducing global pollution levels is the second most polluting country in the world. It contributes about 12.5% of the global greenhouse gas emissions to the world. Los Angeles is the most polluted city in the U.S. and according to CNBC, around 135 million Americans live with polluted air. Industries and the agriculture sector are the major reasons for pollution in the country.


India is the most populated country in the world with a total population of around 142.86 crore and is the third largest polluting country in the world. However, according to the area and population size, India contributes much less to global greenhouse gas emissions than expected. It contributes only about 7.06% of the global greenhouse gas emissions.

But, out of the world’s 50 most polluted cities in the world based on annual average PM2.5 concentration (μg/m³), 38 most polluted cities are in India. Bhiwandi, India is the third most polluted city in the world followed by Delhi, Peshawar, Darbhanga, Asopur, etc.

European Union

European Union is the fourth most polluting country in the world, it contributes about 7.03% of the global greenhouse gas emissions. The major contributing sector to pulltion in the European Union are Electricity and Transportation.


Russia is the largest country in the world in terms of geographical area and is the fifth most polluting country in the world. It contributes around 5% to the global greenhouse gas emissions. Vehicle emissions are the major contributor to the pollution in Russia, it is responsible for around 80% of Russia’s air pollution.


Japan which is considered one of the cleanest countries in the world is the sixth most polluting country in the world. It contributes 4% of the total greenhouse gas emissions to the world. Japan is a major industrial hub, moreover, vehicle emissions and cross-border pollution are responsible for the pollution in Japan.


Brazil is the seventh most polluting country in the world, it contributes 3% of the global greenhouse gas emissions. The major contributing sectors to Brazil’s pollution are Energy, Agriculture and Waste.


Indonesia is the eighth most polluting country in the world. The major contributing sectors to Indonesia’s pollution are Energy, Agriculture, Peat Fire and Waste.


Iran is the ninth most polluting country in the world, it contributes around 1.8% of the world’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The major contributing sectors to Iran’s pollution are oil and natural gas production.


Canada is the tenth most polluting country in the world, it contributes around 1.6% of the world’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The major contributing sectors to Canada’s pollution are oil and natural gas production, transportation and agriculture.

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