Hey, are you excited to learn on how to grow pansy, if yes, then you are on the right page, in this article agriculture review is going to guide you on pansy care. Pansy can be grown as winter flowering plant in tropical regions.

Pansy is cultivated as a perennial as well as annual garden flower and is a type of large flowered hybrid flowering hybrid plant. It is mainly derived from Viola tricolor, that is heartsease, a wildflower of Europe and western Asia. 

This flowering plant can grow up to 20 to 24 centimetres in height and around 5 to eight centimetres in diameter. They have lots of multicolour variety flowers depending on the cultivar you grow. Flowers can be golden, orange, blue, white, red, pink, black, etc.

If you want to make your garden look very beautiful and alluring then you should definitely add this flowering plant in your garden. The flowers of pansy is also famous to attract butterflies in the garden.

I know you are excited to know on how to grow pansy in your garden, so come on let us discuss methods to grow pansy in pots.

How To Grow Pansy?

Image by Alicja from Pixabay

Growing pansy flowering plant is very easy. But you need to follow these points very carefully. I am going to discuss in this article on pansy care with you. If you follow my words then, you will surely get heavy bloom.  That’s why do not leave any point.

Growing Season

Pansy can be grown in hardiness zones 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. They can be grown as a perennial flowering plant in temperate and hilly regions. But in tropical and sub tropical climate pansy cannot survive due to excessive heat. Therefore, they are mainly grown as a annual flowering plant in tropical regions.

Sowing of pansy seeds could be done in fall or late summer and in early spring. They prefer colder climate to grow and flower.

Potting Mix

This beautiful flowering plant loves moist, well drained, humus-rich soil. You can prepare potting mix for germination with 30% normal garden soil + 20% cocopeat + 40% any organic compost like vermicompost + 10% river sand + a pinch of fungicide. Mix them thoroughly.

For growing pansy plant you can prepare potting mix with 40% garden soil + 20% cocopeat + 30% any organic compost like vermicompost + 10% river sand. Potting mix plays an important role in growth of plant and its roots.

Selection Of Pot

Pansy can be grown in variety of pots of small to medium size. Pansy roots doesn’t go deep so you can also select very small pots of 6 to eight inch in diameter. You can select earthen, cemented or plastic pots that have at least two to three drainage holes at the bottom. 

You can also grow this flowering plants in grow bags too. They doesn’t require much space to grow, hence if you have a small garden then this plant is a good choice for you.


You can either purchase baby seedlings of pansy flowering plant from the nearest nursery or you can germinate them in your garden by purchasing high quality and disease resistance seeds from the seed store.

Fill the germination tray or growing pot with germination potting mix and leave some space at the top for watering purposes. Moist the soil with little water before sowing but do not over water. 

Broadcast the seeds on the soil in growing pot, in germination tray place two to three seeds in each case. After broadcasting the seeds cover it with thin layer of potting mix. Apply water gently and keep the germination pot in semi shade region.

Keep checking moisture in the pot, if potting soil seems dry then apply little amount of water to moist the soil. If the temperature is not too high i.e. above 25 degree celsius then after 7 days you can shift germination pot under direct sunlight, otherwise keep it in semi-shade.

Within 10 days you will notice new seedlings growth in the soil.


After 25 to 30 days your seedlings will become ready to be transplanted. Fill the selected growing pot with potting mix for growing pansy and leave one to two inch space at the top for watering purposes. Make sure that the drainage holes at the bottom does not get blocked. 

Carefully take out plants from the germination pot or tray without disturbing the roots and plant them in the growing plant carefully. In a 8 inch pot you can plant 2 to 3 plants. Apply water gently after transplantation and keep the pot in semi shade for 5 days

Pansy Care Guide

Image by sunflair from Pixabay

If you are already growing pansy in your home garden or planning to grow in your home garden then you need to follow these points very carefully for caring for your plants very well. 


Pansy can grow well in full direct sunlight as well as in partial shade in which it can receive bright indirect sunlight. They require bright sunlight for around 4 to six hours daily. But too much sunlight can stop flower production. 


Watering is the most important step for growing and caring pansy. Keep the soil constantly moist for better flowering but this doesn’t mean to overwater. Do not let the soil to dry, whenever top layer soil seems drying apply water gently.

Watering should be such that little amount water should come out of the drainage holes at the bottom.


Do not ever use nitrogen rich fertilizers for growing pansy. You can use phosphorus and potassium rich fertilizers for good bloom. You can start feeding your plant 20 to 30 days after transplantation.

Start feeding with Half teaspoon NPK in the ratio 5:10:10 once in a month, you can add a handful of neem cake fertilizer in this too. During flowering stage feed with NPK half teaspoon in the ratio 0:10:10 once in a month.

If you want to grow in organic way only then add one to two handful of any bulky organic manure like vermicompost once in a month, along with this you can add a handful of neem cake fertilizer and one teaspoon bone meal.

During flowering stage you can also add banana peel fertilizer for better blooming. Learn to make banana peel fertilizer by visiting the link given below.


Pest & Diseases

Slugs, snails and aphids can attack your plants. To prevent your plant from slug and snails spray salt solution on slugs and snails present around your plant. If your pansy is infested with aphids then visit the link below to learn on how to control them.


Mosaic viruses, Downy Mildew, Powdery Mildew, Rust, Grey mould, Anthracnose, crown and root rot are the disease that can harm your plants.


Important Point: Keep removing dead flowers time to time for encouraging plants to produce more bloom.

Author’s Note

I hope this article on how to grow pansy and pansy care will help you a lot, if you have any queries regarding home gardening and agriculture then you can leave your comment below. You can connect with me on my Facebook page Agriculture Review.

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