This ultimate guide on anthurium care will help you in growing and caring for your anthurium plant. Let’s get to know more about anthurium…
Table of Contents
Anthurium is an alluring ornamental indoor plant that attracts garden enthusiasts because of the pleasing shape and colour of the plant. It is known by many other names such as flamingo flower, tail flower, lace leaf, etc.
Anthurium is the largest genus of the arum family, Araceae with over 1000 varieties of flowering plants.
However, this plant can also be grown outdoor in shade. Anthurium grows well in moist soil that is rich in organic matter. But this doesn’t mean to overwater your pot.
To grow this plant properly just maintain enough moisture that is required by the plant and not more than that. In this way, you will ensure good growth of your plant.
If you want to grow or care for your plant then read the article on guide to anthurium care carefully for better understanding, do not miss any points given in the article.

Anthurium Care Guide
Growing Season
This is a tropical plant that requires daytime temperature in the range of 27 to 30 degrees Celsius to grow properly.
This plant can be easily grown in spring and summer season so if you are planning to add an anthurium in your indoor garden then try purchasing them directly from the nearest plant nursery in spring and summer.
Potting Mix
Anthurium grows well in very light, loose medium porous soil that is rich in organic matter and has a pH of near around 6.5. Prepare your potting mix with one part cocopeat + one part any organic compost like neem Khali + two-part perlite.
Mix them thoroughly and pour them in the growing container that has at least three to four good drainage holes for drainage.
Keep this plant in semi-shade if you are growing this outdoors otherwise if you want to keep this plant indoor then place your pot in an area where it can receive three to four hours of indirect sunlight.
If your indoor space doesn’t receive sunlight then try growing then under grow lights that are easily available online. Do not keep this plant in very low light as keeping them in low light will slow down the growth of this plant.
Adopt the smartest way of watering your plants i.e. never go on days but on requirements. I only prefer to water my anthurium plant when an inch layer of topsoil seems dry. Irrigate your pot with a moderate amount of water and check that it drains our properly after applying water in your pot.
Excess watering and waterlogged condition in the pot can cause root rot in the plant.

These plants doesn’t require a heavy amount of fertilizers to grow. It is also found that a heavy amount of fertilizers can damage this plant. Apply a handful of any organic compost once in every two months.
I apply neem Khali because it provides nutrients as well as it protects the plant from fungal and bacterial attacks. You can also use a little amount of Banana Peel Fertilizer during the Spring and Summer seasons.
Pests & Diseases
Anthurium is not susceptible to most of the pests and diseases. However in severe cases mealybugs, thrips, aphids, spider mites, etc. can attack your plant.
If you notice any one of them then spray neem oil solution on your plant to control infestation.
Pruning of anthurium is necessary to maintain a healthy plant. If you see any dead or diseased part of the plant then remove it immediately.

Changing the pot helps to increase the growth of the plant. You can change your pot in the growing season very easily. Whether you have purchased a new plant or your old plant roots have started coming out of the pot through drainage holes at the bottom.
Take out the plant from the old container very carefully without damaging the root. Remove all the debris from the roots of the plant carefully.
Take a container larger than the previous one with good drainage holes and pour the potting mix in the container leaving one to two-inch layer at the top.
Dig a hole enough to adjust roots in them in the center with the help of any gardening tool and place the plant in it and cover around the base of the plant with potting mix.
Press around the base of the plant softly with hand to fix the plant. Apply a little amount of water in the pot. In a few days, the plant will get established properly in the new pot.
Author’s Note
Follow the points given in the article of Agriculture Review on anthurium care. If you have any queries regarding agriculture or home gardening the comment below.
Important Point: This plant is poisonous so keep it away from the reach of children and pets. Handle with care. Wash your hands properly after touching them.