There is a sudden hike in tomato prices, with rates soaring up to Rs. 160 during recent months in India due to combined effect of heatwave, heavy rainfall, pests & diseases outbreak in the country. In this article, we will explore into the causes behind the rising tomato prices in India & examine the impact of these factors on the market.

You will be surprised to know that India is the second largest producer of tomatoes after China. Every year around 18,399,000 tonnes of tomatoes are produced in India. So why there is price hike, if tomatoes are produced in such a high amount. Well before understanding the primary reason, you need to understand the cropping pattern of tomato in India.

Moreover, tomatoes are cultivated in two major cropping seasons: Rabi and Kharif. The Rabi crop, which is grown primarily in regions such as Junnar Taluka in Maharashtra, Karnataka & Andhra Pradesh, supplies tomatoes to the market from March to August.

On the other hand, the Kharif crop, cultivated mainly in Uttar Pradesh and Nashik, supplies tomatoes during the rest of the year. However, due to these factors price got increased in India.


The sudden rise in temperature during March & April adversely affected tomato cultivation across India. High temperatures can lead to reduced crop yields& poor quality produce. Tomatoes are highly susceptible to extreme heat, which can negatively impact their growth and overall quality. The heatwave experienced during this period caused damage to tomato saplings and affected the production cycle.

reason for tomato price hike
Image by Aamir Mohd Khan from Pixabay

The optimum temperature range for fruit set is between 18.5 – 26.5° Celsius. And above 35° Celsius fruit set gets reduced.

Heavy Rainfall

Another factor that disrupted the tomato supply-demand chain was heavy rainfall. Excessive rainwater can lead to waterlogging & soil erosion, negatively impacting the growth of tomato plants. The heavy rainfall experienced in many regions prompted growers to abandon their crops, further exacerbating the supply shortage.

Pests & Diseases Outbreak

Pest infestations and disease outbreaks have been significant contributors to the increase in tomato prices. The leaf curl virus disease, coupled with other pests, resulted in substantial damage to tomato crops in various regions. Farmers faced challenges in controlling these infestations, leading to decreased yields and compromised quality.

Primarily due to these reasons, supply chain got disrubted. It resulted in failure of Rabi crop and hence price of tomatoes increased in many parts of India.

When Will Tomato Price Go Down?

As prices remain high, consumers are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Kharif tomatoes in the market. Arrival of Kharif tomato in the market after August can bring relief by increasing the tomato supply and potentially stabilizing prices. However, it is essential to take proactive measures to mitigate the impact of climate change, pest outbreaks and diseases on tomato cultivation.

Investing in research and development to develop climate-resilient tomato varieties that can withstand extreme temperatures and resist common diseases will be crucial. Additionally, promoting sustainable farming practices, such as integrated pest management, can help reduce the reliance on chemical pesticides and minimize crop losses.

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One Comment

  1. Price increase of Tomatoes is due to mass hysteria. Everybody thinks that it is the last chance to eat Tomatoes during their life in earth. They rush ti buy it, and when there is heavy demand, prices are bound to go up.
    Heavens are not going to fall, if Tomatoes are not eaten fir a few days.
    Please take that attitude and in a few days, there would be a glut if Tomatoes .

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