The Gir cow also known as Bhadawari, Desan, Gujarati, Kathiawari, Sorthi, and Surati is an Indian dairy cattle breed popular for its milk yield, hardiness and disease resistance. It originated in the Gir forests of South Kathiawar in Gujarat, which is why called as “Gir Cow.” Per lactation, the milk yield of this cow breed ranges from 1125 Kilograms to 2690 Kilograms.
As the demand for A2 milk is increasing globally, people have started taking interest in the Gir cattle breed as it yields A2 milk. Some people can not tolerate A1 beta-casein present in exotic cattle breeds such as Holstein, Friesian, Ayrshire, British Shorthorn cows, etc. but A2 cow breeds such as Gir, Sahiwal, Red Sindhi, Malwi, Guernsey, Jersey, Charolais, Limousin, etc. lacks A1 beta-casein in their milk.
However, A2 milk is not suitable for people who are lactose intolerant. Many people get confused about nutritional benefits of A1 and A2 milk, but the only difference between them is the presence or absence of A1 beta-casein. Due to absence of A1 beta-casein in A2 milk it can be digested easily by our digestive system.
The another myth is that only Indian cow breeds can yield A2 milk, but it is false. A2 milk is not region specific and is only decided on the presence or absence of A1 beta-casein in the milk. However, the demand of Gir A2 milk is due to the unique taste, flavor and aroma.
Features Of Gir Cow
Their life span roughly varies from 12 to 15 years and during their lifetime they give birth to 12 to 15 calves. Gir cow can survive well in areas having average temperature range of 20 to 35o Celsius and humidity between 59 to 71%.
The Gir cattle are characterized by their massive forehead with curved horns and long pendulous ears. The animals generally show a docile temperament. The coat color of the Gir cattle varies from red with light patches to mottled white and red or chocolate brown. The side of the head, ear, humps and extremities are of the same color as the patches.

Head of the cattle is moderately long and massive in appearance. The forehead is extremely bulging with a rounded appearance in the front, being wider between the roots of heads and above the eyes and dipping under the crown. The crust line is short and inclined to be curving. The ears are long and pendulous and horns are moderately thick and of medium length.
Orientation of the horn is straight at the base of the crown, downward and backward curve upwards and forwards. The neck is well proportionate blending well into the shoulders and carrying the head well over the level of the back, dewlap is hanging, moderately pendulous and more developed in males than females.
Chest is deep, full and well developed with a broad and level brisket, free from excessive muscles. Legs are well proportionate, muscular and shoulders are generally well merged into the body. The hump is markably developed but medium-sized. The barrel is deep, long and proportionate.
Rudimentary teats in males are well-placed. The naval flap is well-pronounced but not well-developed. In the males, the sheath is slightly pendulous. The hindquarter is broad and well-developed with a broader loin. The rump is long, broad and flat.
Pin bones are well apart and set high. Thighs are broad, flat and slopping abruptly. The buttocks are deeply placed between pin bones. The tail is long strong and flat at the root but tapering finally to a good switch almost touching the ground. The udders are medium-sized, capacious, compact and well attached with distinct quarters.
Lactation Yield, Frequency and Period Of Gir Cow
It is an excellent milch breed of Indian origin. Based on various observations by experts, the average milk yield of Gir cow varies from 1125 Kilograms to 2690 Kilograms per lactation. The lactation length of Gir cattle is around 257 to 378 days and the dry period extends from 135 to 271 days.
Moreover, the year and month of calving have a significant effect on the milk yield. Cows calving from April to September perform better than cows calving at other times. The peak milk yield of the Gir cow ranges from 6.5 to 10.47 Kilograms per day. This peak milk yield can be achieved in the first, second, third and fourth lactations. However, good management practices in cattle farming is equally important for getting optimum yield.
Price & Market of Gir Cow
Based on the quality of the breed the price of Gir cow can vary from ₹30,000 to ₹1,25,000. There is no fixed price, you can always negotiate with the seller for price adjustments. These are the best listed sellers of Gir cow in the world: Novoclon Trading Gmbh, Rudhra Farms, and Kangar Dairy Farm. You can contact them to buy Gir cow of best quality at an affordable price.
By selling A2 milk, a New Zealand based dairy company has reached a market cap of 3.08 billion NZD, so imagine the immense possibility of selling A2 Gir cow milk in the market. Likewise many new startups Truly Desi, Humpy Farms, Woohoo A, etc. have started expanding their market.
While selling A2 milk of Gir cattle, you will have to focus on people as your potential customers who are conscious about health and fitness. You can not simply start selling A2 milk in your local region, as the prices will be slightly higher and only a few people would be willing to pay.
Generally, Tier 1 cities are considered suitable for doing A2 cow milk business as people of Tier 1 cities are becoming health conscious and have a higher spending capacity.