From this ultimate guide on how to grow, plant, & care for hollyhocks, get to know when and how to plant hollyhock seeds, climate, soil, potting mix, etc. to care for your hollyhock plant. Hollyhocks are native to Asia and Europe and are from genus Alcea. Hollyhock and hibiscus are from the same family Malvaceae.

Growing hollyhocks can attract butterflies and hummingbirds in the garden, that’s why many gardeners love to add them in their beautiful garden. Apart from producing alluring blooms, they are also puplular for medicinal qualities. Roots, seeds, stem, leaf, and flower can be used for treating diabetes, stomach ulcers, etc.

How To Grow Or Plant Hollyhocks From Seed?

Take a pot filled with well drained potting soil rich in organic matter. Sow hollyhock seeds at 1/4 inches depth and 2 feet distance from each other. Apply water immediately after soiwing. Place the pot under bright indirect sunlight and keep maintatining adequate moisture in the soil.

In about 7 to 10 days, hollyhock seeds will start germinating, once newly developed seedlings reach 2 to 3 leaf stage move them under direct sunlight.

Hollyhock Plant Care Guide

Hollyhock flower, Image by S. Hermann / F. Richter from Pixabay

Following these guidelines can help you in growing and taking care of hollyhocks.

  1. Growing Season: They can grow in hot tropical as well as in cold temperate climate.
  1. USDA Zones: You can plant hollyhock in USDA hardiness zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8.
  1. Temperature: Average temperature ranging from 16o to 21o Celsius is best for this plant.
  1. Soil & Potting Mix: Well drained, moist soil rich in organic matter is suitable for better plant growth. Prepare ideal potting mix with 40% garden soil + 30% cocopeat + 30% dung manure or leaf compost. Also add one handful of neem cake fertilizer and one tablespoon bonemeal in this mixture.
  1. Sunlight: Bright direct to indirect sunlight for at least 6 hours daily.
  1. Watering: Keep the soil moist but avoid waterlogging. Water only when top layer of soil seems dry.
  1. Fertilizers: Once plant start blooming, start applying one handful of dung or leaf manure along with onion or banana peel fertilizers.
  1. Stalking: Wind flowing at high speed can damage hollyhock plant. Therefore provide support to the main branch by tieing it to a wooden stick carefully.
  1. Pruning: Once the flower start fading after blooming, prune the stem to the base of the plant for overwintering. You can leave few flower for getting seeds for the next season.
  1. Pests & Diseases: Fungal rust of hollyhock can harm your plant, to prevent this, avoid wetting plant parts above ground while watering. Pests such as spider mites, slugs & snails, beetles etc. can cause damage.
Hollyhock Plant, Image by ZEBULON72 from Pixabay

FAQ’s On Hollyhock

When to plant hollyhock seeds?

The ideal time to start planting hollyhock seeds is in spring season that extends from April to May.

When do hollyhocks bloom?

Hollyhocks bloom from summer to fall which is from June to October.

Do hollyhocks bloom the first year

Yes most of the hollyhock variety blooms during the first year from June to October. But biennial variety only blooms during the first year if they are treated with gibberellic acid or they have been planted in fall.

How tall do hollyhocks grow?

Hollyhock plant can grow up to 6 to 8 feet tall depending on their variety.

Where to plant hollyhocks?

Plant hollyhocks at a location where it can recieve bright sunlight daily in well drained, moist soil rich in organic matter.

Do hollyhocks need full sun?

Yes, for enhanced growth and flowering hollyhocks need full sun.

Hollyhock annual or perennial?

Hollyhock can be annual, perennial as well as biennial depending on variety.

How deep to plant hollyhock seeds?

Plant hollyhock seeds at 1/4 inches depth.

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