If you are preparing for the Licensure Examination for Agriculturists and want to improve your basics, then this Confidence Booster Test Series is for you. This test series is based on notes that we share in the Facebook group, WhatsApp channel, and Telegram group a day before the exam. Before appearing for this test series, it is recommended to read and memorize all the points given in the notes provided by us. 

The code for this test series is : CBTS-CS-01; it will cover basic information on photosynthesis, respiration, and transpiration. After reading and memorizing the notes, you will be able to answer all the questions correctly. Let’s know your score once you have attempted all the questions. If you have not read the pdf notes, then do read them first, as this test series is intended to boost your confidence step by step.

Make sure to turn on the notifications to receive daily updates; it will help you access new test series in advance. All the best! One day you will surely become a true agriculturist!

हमारे न्युजलेटर की सदस्यता प्राप्त करें!

Agriculture Review Confidence Booster Test Series

Question Code: : CBTS-CS-01

1. What is the primary pigment involved in photosynthesis?

  • Carotenoids
  • Chlorophyll
  • Anthocyanins
  • Xanthophylls

2. Where do the light reactions of photosynthesis occur?

  • Stroma of chloroplasts
  • Mitochondrial matrix
  • Cytoplasm
  • Thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts

3. What are the outputs of the light reactions in photosynthesis?

  • Pyruvate, NADH, ATP
  • Oxygen (O2), ATP, NADPH
  • Glucose, NADH, FADH2

4. Which of the following is NOT a phase of the Calvin Cycle?

  • Carbon fixation
  • Reduction
  • Regeneration
  • Oxidative phosphorylation

5. Which factor does NOT affect the rate of photosynthesis?

  • Light Intensity
  • Carbon Dioxide Concentration
  • Oxygen Concentration
  • Water Availability

6. What is the net gain of ATP molecules in glycolysis?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4

7. Where does glycolysis occur?

  • Thylakoid membranes
  • Mitochondrial matrix
  • Cytoplasm
  • Stroma of chloroplasts

8. What are the inputs of glycolysis?

  • Pyruvate, NADH, ATP
  • Glucose, NAD+, ADP
  • Oxygen (O2), ATP, NADPH

9. What molecule enters the Krebs Cycle?

  • Glucose
  • Pyruvate
  • Acetyl-CoA
  • NADH

10. Where does the Electron Transport Chain occur?

  • Thylakoid membranes
  • Mitochondrial matrix
  • Cytoplasm
  • Inner mitochondrial membrane

11. What is the final electron acceptor in the Electron Transport Chain?

  • NAD+
  • FAD
  • Oxygen
  • पानी

12. Which factor does NOT affect the rate of respiration?

  • तापमान
  • Oxygen Availability
  • Glucose Availability
  • Light Intensity

13. What is transpiration?

  • Process by which plants convert light energy into chemical energy.
  • Process by which cells break down glucose to produce ATP.
  • Process by which water is absorbed by roots and evaporated from aerial parts of plants.
  • Process by which plants produce glucose and oxygen.

14. Where does water evaporate during transpiration?

  • From the roots
  • From the stems
  • From the leaf air spaces through stomata
  • From the flowers

15. Which of the following is NOT a type of transpiration?

  • Stomatal Transpiration
  • Cuticular Transpiration
  • Lenticular Transpiration
  • Cellular Transpiration

16. What regulates the opening and closing of stomata?

  • Mesophyll cells
  • Guard cells
  • Root hairs
  • Xylem vessels

17. Which environmental factor does NOT influence stomatal behavior?

  • Light
  • तापमान
  • नमी
  • Soil pH

18. Which function is NOT associated with transpiration?

  • Cooling Effect
  • Nutrient Uptake
  • Water Movement
  • ATP Production

19. Which factor increases the rate of transpiration?

  • High light intensity
  • Low temperature
  • High humidity
  • Low wind speed

20. Which environmental condition would likely decrease the rate of transpiration?

  • High temperature
  • Low humidity
  • High wind speed
  • High humidity

21. During transpiration, what force primarily drives the ascent of sap through the xylem?

  • Root pressure
  • Transpiration pull
  • Capillary action
  • Osmosis

22. What part of the plant primarily absorbs water from the soil?

  • Leaves
  • Stems
  • जड़
  • फूल

23. Which type of transpiration occurs mainly through the cuticle?

  • Stomatal Transpiration
  • Cuticular Transpiration
  • Lenticular Transpiration
  • Cellular Transpiration

24. What is the primary pathway of water loss in plants?

  • Cuticular Transpiration
  • Lenticular Transpiration
  • Stomatal Transpiration
  • Root pressure

25. Which structure in the leaf allows the diffusion of water vapor during transpiration?

  • Guard cells
  • Mesophyll cells
  • Stomata
  • Xylem vessels

यदि आपका कोई प्रश्न, विचार या सुझाव है तो कृपया नीचे टिप्पणी करें। आप फेसबुक, इंस्टाग्राम, कू और व्हाट्सएप मैसेंजर पर भी एग्रीकल्चर रिव्यू से जुड़ सकते हैं।

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