This ultimate guide on cineraria care will help you to grow and care for your cineraria plant. Find out the complete care guide by reading this article. For those who want to have beautiful flowering plants, but doesn’t get good amount of sunlight in their garden. Then cineraria flowering plant is one of the best choice for you.
Table of Contents
सिनेरिया is not only a name of a flowering plant, but it is a name for a genus of flowering plants in एस्टरेसिया family. This flowering plant is native to Africa. There are more than 14 varieties of cineraria in the world that you can grow in your garden.
However, cineraria is also known as Ash plant because the word ‘cineraria’ means ash grey. This beautiful flowering plant can grow up to 16 to 20 inches in height and produce flowering of various colours.
They can be of red, white, purple, to blue in colour. However it is a perennial flowering plant but due to fragile nature, you can grow it as an annual plant. This beautiful flowering plant only blooms for a month, but it is in high demand due to the large size of its flower.
Cineraria Care Guide

Alluring Cineraria plant requires good care for better performance. If you will not care well then this plant can sometimes upset you. But, if you follow my care tips 100% then definitely you and your plants are going to have a big smile.
Depending on the regions you are the growing time can differ. Generally cineraria loves cool climate to grow. You can start germinating seeds when the average temperature is around 18 to 22 degrees celsius.
You can start seed sowing from July to September. The plant or seedling grows during winter season and blooms from the onset of spring season.
मिट्टी का मिश्रण
Cineraria plant loves well drained loose soil rich in organic matter. If you have sandy loam या loamy soil then it is wonderful. You need to add only 60% soil + 40% any organic compost and mix them well.
But for heavy soil या clayey soil you need to prepare good potting mix. Add 30% soil + 20% coco peat + 20% river sand + 30% any organic compost.
You can also prepare potting mix with 30% river sand + 30% cocopeat + 40% organic compost. This one is general potting mix if you are facing problem understanding the properties of your soil.
गमले का चयन
For growing cineraria you can select 4 to 8 inch sized pots that have at least 3 to 4 drainage holes at the bottom. You can choose earthen, cemented, or plastic pots.
सूरज की रोशनी
Cineraria requires bright indirect sunlight for 4 to 6 hours daily to grow properly. However do not put the plant under direct sunlight as it can harm this plant.
इन्हें पढ़कर आपको भी अच्छा लगेगा,
Cineraria loves moist soil but hates soggy soil. I prefer watering them when the top one inch layer of the soil seems dry. Apply water gently in the pot till the water comes out of the drainage holes. But make sure that there is no problem of water logging in the pot.
Water logged soil can damage your plant. So maintain proper drainage in your pot and keep the soil moist but not soggy.
You can start feeding your plant with two handful of any bulky organic manure once after every 20 days. With the onset of buds, you can start feeding with phosphorus and potassium rich liquid fertilizers once after every 14 days.
You can also feed with banana peel fertilizer या waste decomposer या जीवामृत once after every 14 days.

Pest & Diseases
Cineraria plant can get affected by aphids, and white flies. Maintain proper sanitization in the pot and place yellow sticky traps nearby to prevent your plant from these pests. If your plant is already infected with aphids the you can check out this article.
If you will not prune our dead leaves or flowers then mold can develop. That’s why keep pruning dead leaves and flowers time to time.
Besides all its beauty cineraria is a poisonous plant. Hence you need to keep this plant away from your kids and pets. Wash your hands after touching this plant.
लेखक का नोट
I hope all your doubts regarding cineraria care is clear now. If you are facing any problem in growing this plant, then tell me by commenting below. You can also connect with एग्रीकल्चर रिव्यू on Facebook and Instagram.