This ultimate guide on summer flowering plants will help you to know about name of 10 best summer flowering plants. Moreover learn to grow and care for these beautiful flowering plants.

फूल refreshes the mind and soul. Not only the sight of alluring flowers, but also their fragrance creates a positive environment around us. It keeps stress away from human beings.

And for this wonderful reason, gardeners love to have flowering plants in their garden. But getting confused about what to plant this summer?

Don’t worry, Agriculture Review is going to not only provide you the name of summer flowering plants, but you will also get to know care guide.

10 Awesome Summer Flowering Plants

summer flowering plants, summer flowering plants for india, summer flowers,


Zinnia is one of the most beautiful flower that grows during summer season. Beauty of its flower also attracts butterfly and other pollinators in the garden. That’s why it is preferred among gardeners living in urban cities.

You can start by sowing seeds during spring season to grow this flowering plant. Zinnia can grow up to 6 inches to 4 feet tall depending on the cultivar. The flower colour can vary from red, pink, orange, white, etc.

zinnia, summer flower, summer flowering plant
Zinnia, Photo by Joshua J. Cotten on Unsplash

Zinnia Care Guide

Hardiness Zones3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,and 10
मौसमSpring to Fall
मिट्टी Well drained, sandy loam soil
Soil pH5.5 to 7.5 ( Slightly acidic to Neutral)
सूरज की रोशनीBright direct sunlight
पानीModerate Watering
कीटMealybugs, Spider mites, or Caterpillars
रोगपाउडर रूपी फफूंद
Deadheading हाँ
Zinnia Care Guide, (Agriculture Review)

It is an easy to grow and care for flowering plant. Hence you can easily grow them during summer season. To learn more about zinnia flowering plant you check out this article on zinnia care.


Portulaca or 9 0 clock flowering plant is native to Argentina, Southern Brazil, and Uruguay. Gardeners also call this alluring flowering plant with other names such as Sun rose, Mexican rose, etc.

You can easily propagate portulaca from seeds या cuttings during spring season. However, you can also propagate them throughout the summer season. They produce numerous small sized colourful blossoms.

portulaca, 9 0 clock flower, flowering plant, summer flower, mexican rose, sun rose
Portulaca Flower, Photo by Tawhidur R on Unsplash

Portulaca Care Guide

Hardiness Zones2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11
मौसमSpring to late summer
मिट्टीWell drained, sandy soil
Soil pH5.5 to 7 ( Slightly acidic to neutral)
सूरज की रोशनीBright direct sunlight
पानी Light watering
कीटMealy bugs, Spider mites and scales
रोगRoot and Stem rot, Botrytis
Portulaca Care Guide, (Agriculture Review)

You can grow portulaca easily. However if you find difficulty in growing and caring for potulaca, then check out this article on 9 O clock flowering plant.


When discussing about summer flowers, one can not forget sunflowers. This beautiful summer flowering plant grows and blooms throughout the summer. Moreover there are lots of variety of sunflower in the market that can surprise you.

Whether you want to grow in pots or ground soil, this is one of the best choice for summer season. You can propagate sunflower from seeds during spring season. They produce small to large sized, and yellow to red colour flowers depending on the cultivar.

flower plant, summer, sunflower
Sunflower Plant, Photo by Running Ghost on Unsplash

Sunflower Care Guide

Hardiness Zones2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11
मौसमSpring to late summer
मिट्टीWell drained loamy to sandy loam soil
Soil pH6.0 to 7.5 (Nearly neutral)
सूरज की रोशनी Bright direct sunlight
पानीModerate watering
कीटLeaf hopper, Caterpillar
रोगPowdery mildew, Downy mildew, and Rust
Sunflower Care Guide, (Agriculture Review)

You will also need to provide support to the growing plant. Moreover applying adequate amount of organic fertilizers also enhances the beauty of the plant.

To know more about growing and caring of sunflower, you can check out this article on How To Grow Sunflower.


Hibiscus is a wonderful tropical flowering plant that blooms throughout the summer. However during cold winters, the plant goes under dormancy. And again with the arrival of spring season it starts producing beautiful flowers.

There are many new hybrid varieties of hibiscus available in the market. And you can start growing them in the garden during spring or rainy season. You can propagate hibiscus through cuttings very easily.

hibiscus, hibiscus plant, flowering plant, summer
Hibiscus Flower, Photo by Jeff Kingma on Unsplash

Hibiscus Care Guide

Hardiness Zones4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10, 11, and 12
मौसमSpring to fall
मिट्टीWell drained, moist, loamy to sandy loam soil
Soil pH6.5 to 6.8 (Neutral)
सूरज की रोशनीBright direct sunlight
पानीModerate to heavy watering
कीटMealybugs, Aphids, White fly, Thrips, and Spider Mites
रोगपाउडर रूपी फफूंद
Hibiscus Care Guide, (Agriculture Review)

छंटाई during early spring season helps to promote good growth of the plant. It also helps to ensure heavy blooming during the flowering season. To learn more about caring and growing for hibiscus then check out this article on Hibiscus Care.


Plumeria which is also known as Frangipani is a beautiful summer flowering plant. It is worldwide popular as a park और garden flowering plant. Flower colour can vary from white, red, pink, golden, yellow, to orange.

You can start propagating and growing plumeria from seeds, cuttings or grafting during spring season. In India, people call this flowering plant “चंपा.”

plumeria, frangipani, champa, summer flower,
Plumeria, Photo by pisauikan on Unsplash

Plumeria Care Guide

Hardiness Zones10, 11, and 12
मौसमSpring to fall
मिट्टीWell drained, sandy loam soil
Soil pH6.5 to 7.0 ( Neutral)
सूरज की रोशनीBright direct sunlight
पानीHeavy watering
कीट Mealybugs, White fly, Thrips, Scale, Snails, and Slugs
रोगRoot and Stem Rot
Plumeria Care Guide, (Agriculture Review)

Moreover adding nitrogen rich fertilizers during flowering season can reduce flowering. You can add banana or onion peel fertilizers during late spring to fall for heavy blooming.

To learn more about growing and caring for plumeria, you can check out this article on Plumeria Care.


If you love aquatic flowering plant, then lotus can be a amazing choice. This aquatic flowering plant produce beautiful flowers from late spring to summer season. Moreover it also spreads very rapidly in the tank.

Few people think that growing lotus is difficult. But it is not that difficult. If you provide good care then this plant can really make you go crazy. I prefer propagating lotus from tubers. But you can also propagate from seeds during spring season.

lotus flower, summer flower, lotus, sacred lotus, flowering plant
Lotus, Photo by kazuend on Unsplash

Lotus Care Guide

Hardiness Zones4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11
मौसमSpring to summer
Water pH6.0 to 7.0 (Nearly neutral)
सूरज की रोशनीBright direct sunlight
खाद3 to 4 Pond tablets ( Once after 30 days)
Compatible FishMolly, Guppy, Koi, any small fish.
कीटAphids, Leaf miners, Caterpillars, Spider mites
रोगLotus root disease
Lotus Care Guide, (Agriculture Review)

However for growing lotus plant you will need to ensure good hygiene of the pond. Keep removing old, dead and diseased part of the plant to keep it healthy.

If you want to learn more about growing and caring for lotus plant then you can check this article on How To Grow Lotus.

कृष्ण कमल

Passion flower or Krishna Kamal is a wonderful summer flowering plant. The flower shape and size amazes spectators. This flower is also said to have spiritual connection. Moreover it is a vine that blooms throughout summer.

You can propagate this flowering plants from seeds, air layering or cuttings during spring season. You can spread the vines by giving support through wooden poles.

passion flower, krishna kamal, flowering plant
Passion Flower, Photo by Chaotic Toejam on Unsplash

Passion Flower Plant Care Guide

Hardiness Zones6, 7, 8, 9, and 10
मौसमSpring to late summer
मिट्टीWell drained, loamy soil
Soil pH6.5 to 7.2 (Neutral)
सूरज की रोशनीBright direct sunlight
पानीModerate watering
कीटRed mites
रोगAnthracnose, Scab, Collar and Crown rot
Passion Flower Plant Care Guide, (Agriculture Review)

Adding nitrogen rich fertilizers during flowering season can reduce blooming. To learn more about growing and caring of passion flower, check out this article on Passion Flower Care.

Moring Glory

Morning glory is not only a beautiful flowering plant but its plant parts have other uses too. From the leaves of pink morning glory you can prepare aagneyastra organic pesticides. Moreover your eyesight can not leave capturing the glory of morning glory flower.

You can easily propagate morning glory during spring season from seeds. This plant grows rapidly and can cover the entire garden within months. The plant keep producing flowers throughout summer to fall.

Morning Glory Care Guide

Hardiness Zones3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10
मौसमSpring to fall
मिट्टीWell drained, loamy to sandy loam soil
Soil pH6.0 to 7.5 ( Nearly neutral)
सूरज की रोशनीBright direct sunlight
पानीModerate watering
कीट Aphids, Spider mites, Leaf miners
रोगFungal leaf spots, Fusarium wilt
Morning Glory Care Guide, (Agriculture Review)

Morning glory is not a heavy feeder. Hence adding little amount of fertilizers can also give you better results. To learn more about growing and caring for morning glory check out this article on Morning Glory Care.

Gerbera Daisy

Gerbera daisy is a popular flowering plant among gardeners. They start producing flowers from spring to fall. You can propagate gerbera daisy from seeds or division during spring season.

gerbera daisy flower, flowering plant
Gerbera Daisy Flower, Photo by Mirko Blicke on Unsplash

Gerbera Daisy Care Guide

Hardiness Zones9, 10, and 11
मौसमLate spring to fall
मिट्टी Well drained sandy soil
Soil pH5.5 to 6.5 (Slightly acidic)
सूरज की रोशनीBright direct to indirect sunlight
पानीModerate watering
कीटLeaf miners, and Caterpillars
रोगRoot and Crown rot
Gerbera Daisy Care Guide (Agriculture Review)

Moreover potting mix, size of the pot, and fertilizer application also play an important role for growing gerbera daisies. To learn more about growing and caring for gerbera daisies, you can check out this article on Gerbera Daisy Care.

Mexican Petunia

If you are missing beautiful flowering plants like petunias during summers, then Mexican petunia can fill the void. Mexican petunias are amazing summer flowering plants that blooms throughout the summer.

Flower colour can vary from white, pink to blue in colour. You can start growing Mexican petunia from seeds during winter season. However you can grow them from cuttings throughout the year.

mexican petunia, flower
Mexican Petunia, Photo by Wander Fleur on Unsplash

Mexican Petunia Care Guide

Hardiness Zones8, 9, 10, and 11
मौसमSpring to Fall
मिट्टीWell drained soil
Soil pH6.0 to 7.0 (Nearly Neutral)
सूरज की रोशनीBright direct to indirect sunlight
पानी Moderate watering
Mexican Petunia Care Guide, (Agriculture Review)

There is nothing to worry about pests and diseases in Mexican petunias. However practicing good hygienic gardening practice ensures better plant health.

To learn more about growing and caring for Mexican petunia you can check out this article on Mexican Petunia Care.

लेखक का नोट

I guess you enjoyed reading article on summer flowering plants. But you can also comment the name of your favourite summer flowering plant. If you have any ideas, queries, or suggestions then you can also connect with एग्रीकल्चर रिव्यू on Facebook, Instagram and Koo.

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