Hi agriculturists, welcome to the computation based MCQ for agriculture examinations. Read all the questions very carefully before attempting. Today’s test series consists of 50 questions based on the previous year’s questions of the Licensure Examination for Agriculturists. Hence, attempting these questions will help you improve your skills for the upcoming examination.

In this test series, we have focused on calculation based questions asked in the examinations. With the help of this test series you will be able to test your knowledge and prepare well for the upcoming examinations.

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Computation Based MCQ Questions For Agriculture Examinations

Computation Based MCQ Questions For Agriculture Examinations

1. If a farmer invests PHP 10,000 in fertilizer and expects a 20% increase in crop yield, originally valued at PHP 50,000, what will be the new yield value?

2. A cooperative sells 500 bags of rice at PHP 1,200 each. If the cost per bag is PHP 900, what is the total profit?

3. If the elasticity of demand for a crop is -0.5 and the price increases by 10%, by what percentage will the quantity demanded decrease?

4. A field yields 3,000 kg of rice on 1 hectare. If the farmer wants to increase the yield by 25%, how much more rice should be produced per hectare?

5. If the seeding rate for wheat is 120 kg/ha and the farm size is 15 hectares, how much seed is required?

6. Calculate the water use efficiency if 2000 m³ of water is used and 5000 kg of crop yield is obtained.

7. If a soil sample contains 30% clay, 10% silt, and 60% sand, what is the soil texture class according to the USDA soil classification?

8. Calculate the cation exchange capacity (CEC) if a soil sample has 5 meq of calcium, 3 meq of magnesium, and 2 meq of potassium per 100 g of soil.

9. A plot requires 50 kg of nitrogen per hectare. If the fertilizer used is 46% nitrogen, how much fertilizer is needed for a 10-hectare farm?

10. If a cow gains 200 kg in a year, consuming 7,300 kg of feed, what is the feed conversion ratio?

11. Calculate the average daily gain if a pig increases in weight from 30 kg to 90 kg over 120 days.

12. If a poultry farm has a feed conversion ratio of 2.5 and produces 200 kg of meat, how much feed is used?

13. A dairy cow produces 25 liters of milk per day. If milk sells for PHP 50 per liter, what is the cow’s monthly revenue?

14. If a fungicide application costs PHP 3,000 per hectare and covers 20 hectares, what is the total cost?

15. A farmer uses 200 ml of pesticide per hectare. How much pesticide is needed for a 50-hectare farm?

16. If the disease incidence in a field is 30% and there are 1,000 plants, how many plants are infected?

17. Calculate the irrigation requirement if the evapotranspiration is 8 mm/day and effective rainfall is 3 mm/day over 5 hectares.

18. A tractor consumes 12 liters of fuel per hour. If it operates for 6 hours a day, what is the total fuel consumption in 10 days?

19. If a pump discharges 500 liters of water per minute, how much water is pumped in 2 hours?

20. If the cost of production per hectare is PHP 25,000 and the yield is 4,000 kg per hectare, what is the cost per kg?

21. A farmer receives a loan of PHP 100,000 with an annual interest rate of 5%. What is the total amount to be repaid after one year?

22. If a crop’s evapotranspiration rate is 5 mm/day and the irrigation system delivers water at 8 mm/day, what is the net irrigation applied?

23. A crop needs 1,200 growing degree days to mature. If the average temperature is 25°C and the base temperature is 10°C, how many days will it take to mature?

24. Calculate the yield per hectare if a farmer harvests 10,000 kg from a 5-hectare field.

25. If a farmer applies a fungicide at a rate of 500 ml/ha and treats 20 hectares, how much fungicide is used in total?

26. If a crop disease affects 15% of 10,000 plants, how many plants remain healthy?

27. If a pump operates at 1,000 liters per hour and runs for 6 hours daily, how much water is pumped in 15 days?

28. Calculate the total fuel used if a tractor consumes 15 liters/hour and operates for 5 hours over 20 days.

29. A field receives 4 cm of rainfall, and the runoff is 1 cm. Calculate the effective rainfall.

30. Calculate the feed requirement if a cow consumes 25 kg of feed daily and the farm has 50 cows for 30 days.

31. If a farmer wants to plant corn at a density of 60,000 plants per hectare and the seed rate is 15 kg per hectare, how many grams of seed are required to plant 0.5 hectares?

32. A farmer applies 200 kg of a 15-15-15 NPK fertilizer per hectare. If the field is 3 hectares, what is the total amount of nitrogen applied in kilograms?

33. Given that an irrigation system delivers 5 liters per minute and operates for 4 hours a day, what is the total volume of water delivered to a 2-hectare field in a week?

34. A soil sample weighs 500 grams in air and 300 grams in water. What is the soil’s bulk density in g/cm³?

35. If a soil’s total porosity is 50% and its bulk density is 1.6 g/cm³, what is the soil’s particle density?

36. A tractor can cover 10 hectares in 8 hours. If the tractor operates at a speed of 4 km/h, what is the width of the field that the tractor is cultivating?

37. An irrigation system has an efficiency of 75%. If the system is designed to deliver 1000 cubic meters of water per hectare, how much water is actually delivered to the field?

38. A pesticide application rate is 0.5 liters per hectare. If a field is infested and requires treatment on 10 hectares, how many liters of pesticide are needed?

39. If the economic threshold level for a pest is 10 insects per square meter and there are 150 square meters in a field, what is the total number of insects at the threshold level?

40. If the total cost of production for 1 hectare of rice is PHP 20,000 and the yield is 5 metric tons, what is the cost of production per kilogram of rice?

41. A farmer expects a yield of 10 tons per hectare. If the market price is PHP 15,000 per ton, what is the total revenue expected from a 5-hectare field?

42. The average yield of corn in a study is 6 tons per hectare with a standard deviation of 0.8 tons. If the yield follows a normal distribution, what percentage of fields are expected to have yields above 6.4 tons?

43. If a yield forecasting model predicts an average yield of 7.5 tons per hectare with a variance of 2.5 tons², what is the coefficient of variation?

44. A field has a length of 150 meters and a width of 80 meters. If the field is to be divided into plots each measuring 10 meters by 10 meters, how many plots can be accommodated?

45. If the water requirement for rice is 1,200 mm per growing season and the field is 2 hectares, how many cubic meters of water are needed?

46. A fertilizer with a composition of 10-20-10 (N-P-K) is to be applied at a rate of 200 kg per hectare. What is the amount of phosphorus in kilograms applied per hectare?

47. If a crop requires 50 kg of nitrogen per hectare and a soil test shows that 10 kg of nitrogen is already available, how many kilograms of nitrogen fertilizer are needed per hectare?

48. A pest control product is applied at a rate of 0.2 liters per hectare. If the field size is 25 hectares, how many liters of the product are required?

49. If the cost of producing 1 hectare of vegetables is PHP 15,000 and the farmer expects a yield of 8 tons per hectare, what is the cost of production per kilogram?

50. If a field yields 12 tons of a crop and the price is PHP 20,000 per ton, what is the total revenue from the crop?

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