Agriculture review

Top 10 Tomato Producing Countries In The World

by aditya abhishek


Worldwide around 177,118,248 tonnes of tomato is produced every year. It is widely cultivated in nearly every part of the world & here are some of the top tomato producers.


Mexico is the tenth largest tomato producing country in the world. Every year around 4,047,171 tonnes of tomato is produced in Mexico. 


Brazil is the ninth largest tomato producing country in the world. Every year around 4,167,629 tonnes of tomato is produced in Brazil. 


Spain is the eighth largest tomato producing country in the world. Every year around 4,671,807 tonnes of tomato is produced in Spain. 


Iran is the seventh largest tomato producing country in the world. Every year around 6,372,633 tonnes of tomato is produced in Iran. 


Italy is the sixth largest tomato producing country in the world. Every year around 6,437,572 tonnes of tomato is produced in Italy. 


Egypt is the fifth largest tomato producing country in the world. Every year around 7,943,285 tonnes of tomato is produced in Egypt. 


Turkey is the fourth largest tomato producing country in the world. Every year around 12,600,000  tonnes of tomato is produced in Turkey. 

United States

United States of America is the third largest tomato producing country in the world. Every year around 13,038,410 tonnes of tomato is produced in United States of America. 


India is the second largest tomato producing country in the world. Every year around 18,399,000 tonnes of tomato is produced in India. 


China is the largest tomato producing country in the world. Every year around 56,423,811 tonnes of tomato is produced in China. 

thanks for reading!

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