agriculture review

Top 10 Cauliflower Producing Countries In The World

by aditya abhishek

Cauliflower Production

Every year around 25,531,274 tonnes of cauliflower is produced worldwide. Here is the list of largest cauliflower producing countries in the world. 


Algeria is the tenth largest cauliflower producing country in the world. Around 2,42,990 tonnes of cauliflower is produced in Algeria every year. 


France is the ninth largest cauliflower producing country in the world. Around 2,57,130 tonnes of cauliflower is produced in France every year. 


Bangladesh is the eighth largest cauliflower producing country in the world. Around 2,83,157 tonnes of cauliflower is produced in Bangladesh every year. 


Turkey is the seventh largest cauliflower producing country in the world. Around 3,11,391 tonnes of cauliflower is produced in Turkey every year. 


Italy is the sixth largest cauliflower producing country in the world. Around 3,65,360 tonnes of cauliflower is produced in Italy every year. 


Mexico is the fifth largest cauliflower producing country in the world. Around 6,86,788 tonnes of cauliflower is produced in Mexico every year. 


Spain is the fourth largest cauliflower producing country in the world. Around 7,46,510 tonnes of cauliflower is produced in Spain every year. 

United States

The United States of America is the third largest cauliflower producing country in the world. Around 12,59,135 tonnes of cauliflower is produced in the United States every year. 


India is the second largest cauliflower producing country in the world. Around 88,40,000 tonnes of cauliflower is produced in India every year. 


China is the largest cauliflower producing country in the world. Around 94,87,465 tonnes of cauliflower is produced in China every year. 

thanks for reading!

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