agriculture review
by aditya abhishek
Researchers believe that lemon originated in north-western India. Since 700 AD cultivation started in Iran & Egypt.
Vitamin-C & Flavonoids are present in abundance in lemon, hence consuming lemon helps in boosting health & prevent diseases.
Drinking lemon water helps in weight loss, relieving depression and even bringing glow on the face.
From a single lemon you can get 16.8 calories, carbohydtrates, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, Vitamic-C, Vitamin-A, etc.
Lemons are actually a cross between a sour orange and citron. They are different from lime which is usually smaller.
India is the largest producer of lemon in the world. It produces around 17% of the total lemons produced in the world.
Will you gift a lemon to someone, well in the past lemon was rare, hence Kings used to present lemon to each other as a gift.
The Finger Lime or Lemon 'Caviar' is the world's most costliest lemon. because for a pound you need to pay $150.
Thanks For reading!