agriculture review

Top Wheat Producing States In The United States

by aditya abhishek

Wheat Production

The United States of America is the fourth largest wheat producing country in the world. Around 49,690,680 tonnes of wheat was produced in the United States. 


Illinois is the tenth largest wheat producing state in the United States of America. Around 44.2 Million Bushels of wheat was produced in Illinois. 


Oregon is the ninth largest wheat producing state in the United States of America. Around 49 Million Bushels of wheat was produced in Oregon. 


Oklahoma is the eighth largest wheat producing state in the United States of America. Around 68.6 Million Bushels of wheat was produced in Oklahoma. 

South Dakota

South Dakota is the seventh largest wheat producing state in the United States of America. Around 71.6 Million Bushels of wheat was produced in South Dakota. 


Minnesota is the sixth largest wheat producing state in the United States of America. Around 73.8 Million Bushels of wheat was produced in Minnesota. 


Idaho is the fifth largest wheat producing state in the United States of America. Around 93.5 Million Bushels of wheat was produced in Idaho. 


Montana is the fourth largest wheat producing state in the United States of America. Around 139.3 Million Bushels of wheat was produced in Montana. 


Washington is the third largest wheat producing state in the United States of America. Around 144 Million Bushels of wheat was produced in Washington. 


Kansas is the second largest wheat producing state in the United States of America. Around 244.2 Million Bushels of wheat was produced in Kansas. 

North Dakota

Noeth Dakota is the largest wheat producing state in the United States of America. Around 299.9 Million Bushels of wheat was produced in North Dakota. 

thanks for reading!

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