agriculture review

Top Types Of Apples In The World

by aditya abhishek


New York State Agricultural Experiment Station developed Empire apply variety at Empire state of New year by crossing Red Delicious and McIntosh.

Crisp Pink or Pink Lady

Pink Lady apple is developed by crossing Golden Delicious and Lady Williams in Western Australia. It is famous for colour, texture & acid content. 

Red Delicious

Red Delicious variety of apple originated in 1870's by chance at Jesse Hiatt's farm in Peru, Iowa. By cultivating this variety you can earn up to $50, 000 per acre. 


Gala apple variety was developed in New Zealand by crossing Kidd’s Orange Red and Golden Delicious apple varieties. It is the 18th most popular fruit in the world. 

Granny Smith 

“Granny” Anne Smith of Ryde, New South Wales discovered this apple variety by chance in Australia (1868). Therefore it was named after her. 


Good for making snack, salads and sauce this apple variety has been developed by crossing MN 1627 & Keepsake varieites. 

MacIntosh Apple

John McIntosh in 1811 discovered this variety in Dundela, Upper Canada. It is quite popular apple variety in North America.

Golden Delicious

This variety is also state fruit of West Virginia and it was discovered by chance in Mullins' family farm in Clay County, West Virginia.

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Next Article: Start Farming Of Apple In Valley!