agriculture review

Top 5 Peanuts Producing States In The United States

by aditya abhishek


United States of America is the fourth largest peanuts producing country in the world. Around 2,578,500 tonnes of peanut is produced in U.S. every year. 


Texas is the fifth largest peanuts producing state in the United States of America. Around 152,407 tonnes of peanut was produced in 2022 in Texas. 

North Carolina

North Carolina is the fourth largest peanuts producing state in the United States of America. Around 231,457 tonnes of peanut was produced in 2022 in North Carolina. 


Florida is the third largest peanuts producing state in the United States of America. Around 251,044 tonnes of peanut was produced in 2022 in Florida. 


Alabama is the second largest peanuts producing state in the United States of America. Around 253,377 tonnes of peanut was produced in 2022 in Alabama. 


Georgia is the largest peanuts producing state in the United States of America. Around 1,315,418  tonnes of peanut (42% of the total) was produced in 2022 in Georgia. 

Other States

After Texas, South Carolina, Arkansas, Virginia, Mississippi, Oklahoma, & New Mexico are the major peanuts producing states in the United States. 


60% of the total peanut production in America is used for making peanut butter, & 15% is used to make peanut oil in the country. 

thanks for reading!

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