agriculture review

Top 3 Tart Cherry Producing States In The United States

by aditya abhishek

Tart Cherry

Tart cherry is a type of cherry with a sour taste, it is usually brighter in color than sweet cherry and is used in pies, jams, juices, etc. as a flavoring for desserts.  

Global Production

Turkey, the United States of America, Iran, Italy, Spain, Chile, Uzbekistan, Syria, etc. are some of the largest cherry-producing countries in the world. 

United States

The United States of America is the second largest cherry-producing country in the world. Around 384,646  tonnes of cherry were produced in the United States. 

Top States

Here is the list of the three largest tart cherry-producing states in the United States of America. These states contribute more than 90% of the total tart cherry production in the country. 

1. Michigan

Michigan is the largest tart cherry-producing state in the United States. It contributes about 70% of the total production which is around 180.5 million pounds of tart cherries. 

2. Utah

At position second, we have Utah, Around 22.6 million pounds of tart cherries were produced in Utah in 2022. Cherries are also Utah's official state fruit. 

3. Wisconsin

Wisconsin is the third largest tart cherry-producing state in the United States. Around 12.9 million pounds of tart cherries were produced in Wisconsin in 2022. 

Other States

Other tart cherry-producing states in the United States of America produced around 28.2 million pounds of tart cherries collectively in 2022. 

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