agriculture review

Top 3 Carrot Producing States In The United States

by aditya abhishek


Carrot is a root vegetable which is rich in Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Biotin, Vitamin B6, etc. That's why it is widely cultivated and consumed in many parts of the world. 


Studies suggest that about 69% of Americans eat carrots and the per capita consumption of carrots was estimated around 8.4 pounds in 2022. 

Climate & Soil

Temperature range of 15 to 18 degrees Celsius and light sandy loam soils with pH of 6 to 7 are considered good for cultivating carrots. 

Top Producers

Cultivation of carrots in the United States is concentrated in three states. These are the three highest carrot producing states. 

3. Wisconsin

Wisconsin is the third largest carrot producing state in the United States. Around 147,900,000 pounds of carrots were produced in Wisconsin in 2021. 

2. Washington

Washington is the second largest carrot producing state in the United States. Around 493,350,000 pounds of carrots were produced in Washington in 2021. 

1. California

California is the largest carrot producing state in the United States. Around 2,517,400,000 pounds of carrots were produced in California in 2021. 

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