agriculture review

Top 10 Soybean Producing States In The United States

by aditya abhishek

United States

United States of America is the largest soybean producing country in the world. Around 117,208,380 tonnes of soybean is produced every year in the United States. 


Arkansas is the tenth largest soybean producing state in the United States. Around 163.8 Million Bushels of soybean was produced in 2022. 

South Dakota

South Dakota is the ninth largest soybean producing state in the United States. Around 192.7 Million Bushels of soybean was produced in 2022. 

North Dakota

North Dakota is the eighth largest soybean producing state in the United States. Around 198.4 Million Bushels of soybean was produced in 2022. 


Missouri is the seventh largest soybean producing state in the United States. Around 275.7 Million Bushels of soybean was produced in 2022. 


Nebraska is the sixth largest soybean producing state in the United States. Around 278.3 Million Bushels of soybean was produced in 2022. 


Ohio is the fifth largest soybean producing state in the United States. Around 281.9 Million Bushels of soybean was produced in 2022. 


Indiana is the fourth largest soybean producing state in the United States. Around 335.2 Million Bushels of soybean was produced in 2022. 


Minnesota is the third largest soybean producing state in the United States. Around 369.5 Million Bushels of soybean was produced in 2022. 


Lowa is the second largest soybean producing state in the United States. Around 586.8 Million Bushels of soybean was produced in 2022. 


Illinois is the second largest soybean producing state in the United States. Around 677.2 Million Bushels of soybean was produced in 2022. 

thanks for reading!

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