agriculture review

Top 10 Fruit Crops In The United States of America

by aditya abhishek

United States

The United States of America is the home for some of the major fruit crops in the world. Here is a list of widely cultivated fruit crops in the United States. 


Starting from the bottom, at position tenth is Cranberry. Around 395.85 thousand tons of cranberry was produced in the United States in 2019. 


Grapefruits are the ninth most cultivated fruit crop in the United States. Around 604 thousand tons of grapefruit was produced in 2019 in the country. 


Peaches are the eighth most cultivated fruit crop in the United States. Around 681.6 thousand tons of Peach was produced in 2019 in the country. 


Pears are the seventh most cultivated fruit crop in the United States. Around 729 thousand tons of Pear was produced in 2019 in the country. 


Lemons are the sixth most cultivated fruit crop in the United States. Around 1,002 thousand tons of lemon was produced in 2019 in the country. 

Tangerines & Mandarins

Tangerines & Mandarines are the fifth most cultivated fruit crop in the United States. Around 1,107 thousand tons of Tangerine & Mandarin were produced in 2019 in the country. 


Strawberries are the fourth most cultivated fruit crop in the United States. Around 1,126 thousand tons of strawberry was produced in 2019 in the country. 


Oranges are the third most cultivated fruit crop in the United States. Around 5,427 thousand tons of orange was produced in 2019 in the country. 


Apples are the second most cultivated fruit crop in the United States. Around 5,509 thousand tons of apple was produced in 2019 in the country. 


Grapes are the most widely  cultivated fruit crop in the United States. Around 6,871 thousand tons of grape was produced in 2019 in the country. 

thanks for reading!

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