agriculture review

Top 10 Cucumber Producing States In India

by aditya abhishek


Cucumber  is a widely cultivated vegetable crop that is grown in many countries around the world for their edible fruits to prepare salads, pickles, juice, etc.

Largest Producer

China is the largest cucumber producing country in the world. Around 61,949,091 tonnes of cucumber is produced in China every year. 


India is the 27th largest cucumber producing country in the world. Around 1,363,430 tonnes of cucumber was produced from 2021-2022 in India. 

West Bengal

West Bengal is the largest cucumber producing state in India. Around 326,820 tonnes (20.32%) of cucumber was produced from 2021-2022 in the state. 

Madhya Pradesh

Madhya Pradesh is the 2nd largest cucumber producing state in India. Around 237,330 tonnes (14.76%) of cucumber was produced from 2021-2022 in the state. 


Haryana is the 3rd largest cucumber producing state in India. Around 182,960 tonnes (11.38%) of cucumber was produced from 2021-2022 in the state. 


Karnataka is the 4th largest cucumber producing state in India. Around 130,360 tonnes (8.11%) of cucumber was produced from 2021-2022 in the state. 


Punjab is the 5th largest cucumber producing state in India. Around 108,710 tonnes (6.76%) of cucumber was produced from 2021-2022 in the state. 

Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh is the 6th largest cucumber producing state in India. Around 103,740 tonnes (6.45%) of cucumber was produced from 2021-2022 in the state. 


Assam is the 7th largest cucumber producing state in India. Around 90,230 tonnes (5.61%) of cucumber was produced from 2021-2022 in the state. 

Andhra Pradesh

Andhra Pradesh is the 8th largest cucumber producing state in India. Around 66,170 tonnes (4.11%) of cucumber was produced from 2021-2022 in the state. 


Maharashtra is the 9th largest cucumber producing state in India. Around 62,480 tonnes (3.88%) of cucumber was produced from 2021-2022 in the state. 


Orissa is the 10th largest cucumber producing state in India. Around 54,630 tonnes (3.40%) of cucumber was produced from 2021-2022 in the state. 

thanks for reading!

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