agriculture review

Restore Our Earth By Celebrating Earth Day 2023

by aditya abhishek


Every year on 22nd April, people celebrate World's Earth Day globally to raise awareness about the importance of protecting our planet Earth. 


World's Earth Day was first celebrated on 22nd April 1970. Denis Hayes and Gaylord Nelson organized it in the United States to raise environmental awareness.

It was celebrated in response to growing concerns about pollution, deforestation, and other environmental issues that were harming the planet.

Since then, Earth Day has become a global event, with people in over 190 countries participating in activities & events to mark the occasion.


Activities of Earth day includes everything from planting trees and cleaning up beaches to holding rallies and educational events such as organizing debates and lectures.


The theme for Earth day, 2023 is "INVEST IN OUR PLANET." It focuses on connecting people from governments, businesses & public to create a sustainable future. 

To protect our Earth, we must focus on reducing our dependency on plastics, chemical fertilizers, diesel or petrol-based vehicles, etc. Moreover, we should also promote sustainable farming practices.

thanks for reading!

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