agriculture review

Largest Farmland Owners In United States

by aditya abhishek

Bill Gates 

Bill Gates is still on the top of the list, he owns 242,000 acres of farmland in 18 states of America. His largest land holdings are in Louisiana, Arkansas, & Nebraska.

Ted Turner

CNN founder Ted Turner is on the second rank in farmland ownership in United States. He has ranches with cattle in Ranches with cattle in Nebraska, Kansas, Montana, etc.

Stewart & Lynda Resnick

They own 192,000 acres farmland in California & Texas in United States. They cultivate citrus fruit, pistachios, almonds & pomegranates.

Offutt Family

In Fargo & North Dakota they own 190,000 acres farmland. This family farm is famous for promoting sustainable agriculture pratices. 

Fanjul Family

They cultivate primarily sugarcane on their 152,000 acres farmland in South Florida. They harvest around 5.9 million tons of sugarcane from their farm. 

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