agriculture review

How Intercropping Helps Farmers In Increasing Efficiency

by aditya abhishek


If you are a farmer who wants to increase farm outputs while maintaining sustainability, then practicing intercropping can be a wonderful choice. 


Intercropping is a farming technique of cultivating two or more crop species on the same farm at the same time to get higher yield. 


The most common example of intercropping is of cultivating mustard with chickpeas on the same farmland. 

Row Intercropping

Farmers can plant maize, rice & pineapple as intercrops between the rows of main crops. Soybean & Sunflowers can also be planted together. 

Strip Intercropping

Farmers can plant soybean & alfalfa in distinct strips on their farms. Maize & soybean can also be planted together in strips. 

Mixed Intercropping

To practice mixed intercropping you can plant wheat & gram or sunflower & sunflower simulatneously without any distinct rows. 

Relay Intercropping

To practice relay intercropping, you can plant cauliflower on a rice field when rice is at its reproductive stage. Onion & Gourds can also be planted similarily. 

Thankfs for reading!

NEXT: How To Get Your Soil Tested?