agriculture review

Go Green, Save Earth: World Environment Day Calls for Action!

by aditya abhishek

Who Started

To aware people about consequences of our actions on the environment, United Nations General Assembly created World Environment Day in 1972. 

Theme 2023

The theme of World Environment Day 2023 is, 'Ecosystem Restoration' spread by campaign #BeatPlasticPollution.


Avoid using single use plastics and start using alternatives such as jute bags, hemp bags, etc and promote recycling of plastic to tackle the global challenge. 

Who Is Hosting

Côte d'Ivoire supported by Netherlands is hosting World Environment Day 2023. 

What To Do

You can make posters, run campaigns, clean nearby areas, take pictures and post on social media using #BeatPlasticPollution to raise awareness. 

It will make people aware of the consequences of our actions, thus more people will start reducing their dependency on plastics to save our environment. 

thanks for reading!

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