agriculture review

Most Iconic Quotes On Farming!

by aditya abhishek

-Farmer Quotes-

"Farmers work day and night so that the world eat, survive and grow happily."

-Farmer Quotes-

"Farmers are the most valuable citizines of a country because even in crisis they build the economy of a nation."

-Farmer Quotes-

"For success, a farmer needs to be a learner at every stage to adopt and apply new methods of farming."

-Agriculture Quotes-

"Agriculture is the noblest profession in the world, because it fulfills basic requirement of an organism which is food."

-Agriculture Quotes-

"Agriculturist need to be friend of a farmer to help them learn new methods, adopt new technologies, and plan farming strategies for a better future."

-Farming Quotes-

"Thinking about a world without farming is like thinking about earth without water, without them survival is difficult."

-Farming Quotes-

"Farming requires time, hardwork, patience, knowledge, skills, investments, and luck."

-Farming Quotes-

"Farming has played a vital role in development of human civilizations, near every old civilization you will find river and farming lands."

thanks for reading!

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