agriculture review

Is Agriculture Responsible For Green House Gas Emissions?

by aditya abhishek

You must have heard from various sources that agriculture plays a vital role in green house gas emissions in the world. But it's the partial truth that is displayed in front of you. 

Agriculture started around  12,000 years ago. But wait! Green house gas emissions increased rapidly over the last 150 years due to human activities.  So why it increased only within span of 150 years?

People used to practice agriculture even before 150 years, so what's responsible for sudden spike in the emissions? 

Agriculture is still the second largest contributor of greenhouse gasses with 11% of total emissions but burning of fossil fuels for electricity and heat contributes 31% of the total emissions. 

Many developed as well as developing countries need to fulfil electricity demand of its population. Therefore they use fossil fuel as the source of energy for producing electricity and heat. 

China is the largest green house emmiter in the world. It is responsible for 30% of the total green house gas emissions. This is followed by United States, European Union, India, Russia, & Japan. 

Examples of these major greenhouse gases are Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Nitrous Oxide (N2O), and Fluorinated gases such as CFC's, PFC's, SF6, etc. 

Effect of green house gasses is drastic. They trap heat close to earth surface, hence increase the atmospheric average temperature overtime. Since 1880's it has increased by 1 degree Celsius. 

In agriculture, Crop cultivation,  fertilizers, livestock, and deforestation plays crucial role in emission of green house gases such as methane and nitrous oxide. 

We can reduce emissions from agriculture by using livestock feed additives, practicing rotational grazing, use high quality feed to reduce methane emission,  and covering  manure storage facilities. 

Thanks For Reading!

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