एग्रीकल्चर रिव्यू

Is Pastoral Farming Beneficial For Farmers

आदित्य अभिषेक द्वारा

The practice of raising livestock (cattle, dear, sheep, goats, poultry, etc.) instead of cultivating crop is called Pastoral Farming. 

Pastoral Farming

Farmer who practice pastoral farming are known as "Graziers" in Australia and in some cases they are also known as "Pastoralists."

Contries which practice pastoral farming on a large scale are Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Great Britain, Ireland, New Zealand, United States and Canada.


Pastoral farming is completely opposite to arable farming which focuses only on cultivation of crop. 

Vs. Arable Farming 

Products of pastoral farming are milk, eggs, leather, meat, wool, fibres, etc. They all are in high demand and have great market value. 


Livestock waste can be reused in the farm for supplying nutrients to the farm crops. This help in reducing farm input cost spent on fertilizers. 


Dairy products such as milk, butter, curd, cheese, yogurt, etc. are of daily use therefore helps in generating consistent income. 

Within a span of 1 year poultry market grew from $318.58 billion to $349.21 billion in 2022.Initial setup cost is low and returns are higher in poultry sector. 

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