एग्रीकल्चर रिव्यू

Why Indians Celebrate Agricultural Education Day

आदित्य अभिषेक द्वारा

ICAR declared 3rd December as the "Agricultural Education Day" to show respect to Dr. Rajendra Prasad on his birth anniversary. 

3rd December

Dr. Rajendra Prasad was the first President of Independent India & Union Minister of Agriculture. He was born in Bihar,India on December 3, 1884.

Dr. Rajendra Prasad

Before India's Indipendence, Dr. Prasad was actively involved in Indian Independence movement. He also worked as a lawyer, teacher, and auther. 

Agriculture sector is the major contributer to the total GDP of the country, hence Indian economy is an agro-economy. 


Around 52% of the total employed population are in agriculture and this sector contributes around 15% of the total GDP. 


However, agriculture sector is not yet developed & utilized efficiently in the country. Therefore we need to encourage agricultural education. 


On this day ICAR institutes organises debates, art shows, interaction with agriculturists, to expose students tothe  importance of agriculture.

At present, India ranks first in the production of Banana, Jute, Mango, Milk, and second in Rice, Potato, Tomato, and Cashew apple.

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