एचेवेरिया रूनयोनी (टॉप्सी टर्वी) लाइफ सक्युलेंट प्लांट खरीदें
मूल कीमत थी: ₹399.00.₹140.00वर्तमान मूल्य है: ₹140.00.
Echeveria runyonii (Topsy Turvy) Live Succulent Plant for sale at best price in the market!
पूरा मनी-बैक गारंटी अगर डिलीवर किया गया उत्पाद बुरी तरह क्षतिग्रस्त पाया जाता है।
Images are for refrence purpose only, we take responsibility of delivering original & quality product. You will get one plant per order of Echeveria runyonii Topsy Turvy Succulent plant and after purchase your product will be delivered within a week!
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Echeveria runyonii “Topsy Turvy” is a wonderful rapid growing, evergreen succulent plant with spoon shaped powdery blue-green leaves that you can add in your beautiful garden. They are native to the state of Tamaulipas in Mexico. It can spread up to 30 centimtres and can grow up to 20 to 30 centimetres high. From one single plant you will be able to propagate multiple plants through offsets that grows alongside within a year.
After purchasing this amazing succulent message us on Facebook or Instagarm so that we can assist you in taking good care of them for absolutely free!
Echeveria runyonii Care Guide
- Climate: Warm & Humid Climate.
- Soil & Potting Mix: Well drained soil or cactus potting mix, they hate waterlogged soil.
- Sunlight: Bright indirect to direct sunlight throughout the day.
- पानी देना: नियमित रूप से पानी देने से बचें, अगली बार पानी देने से पहले मिट्टी को पूरी तरह सूखने दें।
- उर्वरक: प्रत्येक 60 दिनों के बाद एक बार आप मुट्ठी भर पत्ती खाद डाल सकते हैं।
- Bloom Time: Late summer.
- Flower Colour: Star shaped yellow to orange coloured flowers.
- Propagation: Through offsets in spring season.
- Pests: Mealy bugs, aphids, vine weevil in severe cases.
If you have any queries, ideas, or suggestions regarding our product, then conact us from here.
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